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The lighting crew is heavily involved in all productions at Roslyn High School, and is looking for more students to join. Members will be able to learn how to use conventional, as well as 'intelligent' lights, a state-of-the-art ETC Element lighting console, and learn about lighting concepts and color theory.

Lighting Board

Basic Functions of the RHS Auditorium main Light Board - ETC Element

Facepanel Overview - ETC Element

Patching Light Fixtures - ETC Element

Getting Lights On - ETC Element

Recording CUEs - ETC Element

Saving & Opening a show - ETC Element

Stage Lights

Focusing a Source 4 Light - when its on a truss

Bench Focusing a Source 4 Light

Elation Sixpar 300 Video - LED Par Can

Elation Platinum Spot III Video - LED Moving Head

Light Hanging/Focusing

Mobile Projector System

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